Basic departments

MIPT - «Information systems»

The department prepares specialists in design and development of intelligent systems for data processing and control, simulation, synthesis and analysis of functional algorithms.

The training program includes studying methods of the probability theory and random process statistics, mathematical optimization, statistical decision making (detection, assessment, recognition, identification, etc.), optical and radar image processing, statistical radar detection and optical detection.

Since day one in the basic department, tutors involve students in research related to the main areas of the basic organization‘s work, to become the basis of their future graduation works and research publications. Research subjects are usually related to the development of systems for automatic data processing, control and decision making, with applied or theoretical mathematical and physical tasks.

So, students are eager to learn more about development of new algorithms for acquisition and processing of data from the corporation’s own network of robotic telescopes and survey of the near-earth space environment on the basis of this data. Typical subjects of graduation thesis include modeling the prospective information and attack means of missile and space defense (radar, optical, laser, ground, air and space).

For development of such models, students who are “programmers” are allotted the space on state-of-the-art ultra-high-performing computing platforms using various operating systems and development environments. “Mathematicians” like creating artificial intelligence in various robotic systems which acquire, process and interpret data without human assistance, and then make decisions regarding launch of other robotic systems which prevent potential damage in threatening situations.

“Physicians” develop virtual reality simulators for robotic systems used at the stage of design and debugging of their hardware concept and artificial intelligence.

In VIMPEL’s basic department, students carry out practical studies and conduct research using radio measurement equipment enabling real-time processing and post-processing of measurements.

Hardware and software systems developed with the participation of students and postgraduates are used to conduct research in the areas of global satellite and local radio navigation, radiotechnical reconnaissance and countering, as well as radar systems. Students can work with real data, model and test results using state-of-the-art equipment.

The hardware systems support a wide range of application programs for data processing, such as LabVIEW, Matlab, Simulink, C, Python, etc.

In the spring semester, third-year students take a basic course of lectures on random process theory. Starting from the spring semester, third-year students have lectures on Mathematical optimization methods at the basic organization’s premises. In this semester, the students meet their potential research advisors, learn about potential subjects of bachelor degree thesis and make their choice at the end of the term.
Fourth-year students continue with lectures on Mathematical optimization methods in the basic department, attend lectures on the Information system theory and Signal and wave informatics and interact closely with their research advisors in the process of R&D works. All students can be optionally employed as part-time engineers, and entrusted with production tasks fully corresponding to the problems addressed in their graduation thesis.

First-year master degree students in the basic department conduct research works to prepare for their master’s dissertations, and attend lectures delivered by leading experts in the respective disciplines: “Modern methods of parallel computing”, “Statistical radar detection theory”, “Technology of observation of near-earth space objects”, “Introduction to modern methods of modeling of the Earth’s cloud atmosphere”. During their second year of master degree studies, the students are fully occupied with the preparation of their master’s degree dissertation, which, as a rule, is a part of some work carried out by the Corporation.
  • The students have the opportunity to conduct their thesis research in MIPT’s Space Informatics Laboratory established under the aegis of VIMPEL.
  • All students can be optionally employed as part-time engineers and entrusted with production tasks fully corresponding to the problems handled in their graduation thesis.
  • The department graduates are guaranteed an opportunity to continue their work as young specialists in the Corporation.

Currently, the “Information systems” department is headed by Sergey Boyev, General Director of VIMPEL, Doctor of Technical and Economic Sciences, Professor.

Research and organizational work with students and post-graduate students has been successfully carried out for over 26 years by the Department’s graduate, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Assistant Professor, Deputy Head of the Department Aleksey Kolessa.


Aleksey Kolessa
Director of the Focused Research Center for Modeling and Information Technology
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Assistant Professor

Tel.: +7 (499) 152-96-71